Improving the care of patients in the Free State of Bavaria is the primary goal of the Bavarian Cancer Research Center (BZKF). An all-encompassing care for oncological patients includes prevention and early detection as well as care after discharge from the clinic.
Cross-site, patient-oriented, quality-of-life and results-oriented cancer research should lead to a rapid transfer of knowledge from research to health care and thus directly reach the patient.
The selection of rehabilitation medical measures ranges from targeted physiotherapy, individually tailored movement therapies, massages and spas to occupational therapy, to counselling and help with mental health problems related to cancer. The question of which measure is particularly important and recommended for the individual tumor disease should be discussed in the first step with the treating physician and the hospital social service.
In addition, you will be pleased to receive general information and assistance on the
PublicCancerHotline 0800 85 100 80.